More than an information exchange

It is well documented that organisational success depends on strong internal communications. Companies that have effective communication practices see the impact – on the happiness and wellbeing of their staff, which of course also pays dividends when it comes to productivity levels.

Add to this that a significant proportion of the workforce may not be based in an office and the case for a well-coordinated internal communications plan is very strong indeed.


An internal communications strategy should be more than just the nuts and bolts of letting people know what’s going on. It’s all about generating a positive, engaged workforce that is fully aligned with the company’s objectives and direction.

How to ensure great internal comms

We believe it starts with people. Understanding how best to communicate with your employees is key. Get close to what works for them. Involve them. Traditional methods such as intranet, email and newsletters may work for some organisations, but it can be easy to get lost amongst the noise.

Whether it’s a product launch or a company announcement, we are careful to ensure that all communications pieces are crafted to resonate effectively with your internal team – and it’s not just about the words. 65% of the population are visual learners, so conveying information visually often makes a more lasting impression than text.

Make sure you have a planned programme with objectives, channels and measures for internal comms just as you would for external audiences.

Our experienced team is supporting businesses with their internal communications, from company news and product launches, to change management, mergers and acquisitions, or crisis communications, we work with discretion and professionalism to help you get the best out of your team.

Contact us

Find out how we can help you achieve standout marketing. Give Rachel Arquati a shout on email or by calling 01285 626000